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What is family estrangement?
By definition, family estrangement is a breakdown or total loss of a prior relationship, through either physical or emotional distancing.
Though it can elicit thoughts of family members cutting off all ties with one another after an explosive and irreparable fallout, the truth is that it’s often a much more layered concept.

The spectrum of family struggle is broad, and the conditions that lead to estrangement are almost innumerable.
People talk about “spectrums” or “continuums” — that just means there’s a range from one extreme to another. You may be just a little excluded from your family, or you may feel completely isolated and be wondering how you will ever see your loved ones again.
No matter where you sit on the spectrum,
or how you feel, you can very likely benefit from support and guidance, even if only to help others in your family who may be struggling.
Countless causes,
similar effects.
The root causes of family estrangement can range from relationship conflict, mental ill-health, physical and/or emotional abuse, substance addiction, divorce or spousal separation, all the way through to political, cultural or religious differences.
Though the cause may vary, almost all of us fall victim to the same ripple effects — a loss of meaningful communication, and a resultant grief.
That’s what we’re here to shine a light on, and offer support and guidance for.
Breaking the stigma of family struggles
You’re not alone. You’re not damaged. You’re human.

Did you know?
In the United States and the United Kingdom alone, estrangement affects around one in every four families.
Since it’s so commonplace, why don’t we hold enough space for it in our conversations?

Strength & Wellbeing
This culture of silence creates a sense of shame, and sometimes, a belief that we’re damaged. This can lead to further negative emotions and unhealthy experiences, which all link back to the trauma of loss.
silence also leads to isolation.
Without discussion and focused help, people are left to feel alone, without knowing where or how to get help.
Through our healing platform, we’re aiming to deconstruct these negative emotions, help you recognize and process trauma, navigate complex relationships, begin to heal, find the tools you need to thrive, and uplift and inspire you to start really living again.
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