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Start Reconnecting With Your Best Life Today!

Are you struggling with pain caused by family conflict? Do you wonder how to move forward with your life? Do you feel stuck and lost, like you can’t break free from the emotional toll it’s taking on your life? Have you stopped living your best life?

The good news is you don’t have to suffer anymore! The Break Free Course is designed to give you the answers you need, and help you reconnect to life again.

Six Week Online Course

The Break Free Course

With Yasmin Kerkez

Healing, Answers & Freedom.
In your hands.

Break Free is a 6-week online course that gives you the power to work through and heal from conflict or separation in family.

You deserve more.

The BREAK FREE Course is specifically designed to help people overcome trauma caused by conflict or separation in their family. The course will guide you through the process of healing and provide you with the tools and answers you need to start living again.

With the Break Free Course, you’ll finally know the answers to the questions that have been plaguing you. You’ll learn how to overcome the challenges that come with family conflict, and you’ll be able to move forward with confidence and peace.

Don’t let family conflict continue to hold you back. Sign up for the Break Free Course today and start your journey towards healing and a happier life.

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Inside the course

Break Free gives you the power to heal from trauma and reconnect to life again.

The Break Free Course is a transformative 6-week program that is specifically designed to help you break free from struggles within your family, find answers, and reconnect with your life.

Each week of the course, you will gain access to a new lesson that is aimed at addressing the different challenges that you may be facing in your family life. The program is centered around easy-to-follow videos that provide practical advice and tools to help you overcome these struggles and move forward towards a happier and more fulfilling life.

In addition to the videos, the course also includes class notes that you can download and print, allowing you to revisit the material and solidify your understanding of the course content.

The Break Free Course goes beyond just providing information and advice; it also includes powerful affirmations and guided meditations that are specifically designed to help you stay focused on your goals and reinforce the lessons and exercises covered in the videos. These resources will help you to maintain your motivation and stay on track as you work towards transforming your family life.

The program is designed to be completed at your own pace, allowing you to work through the content as quickly or as slowly as you like. There is no pressure to complete the course within a specific timeframe, and you will have unlimited access to all course content, even after you have completed the program.

In summary, the Break Free Course is an invaluable resource for anyone who is struggling within their family and seeking answers and a reconnection with life. Through practical advice, shared secrets of success, powerful affirmations, and guided meditations, this program will equip you with the tools you need to overcome your struggles and build a happy and fulfilling life.

Watch the video modules

To learn how to navigate family struggles and move forward with clarity and strength.

Develop practical skills

To overcome the biggest challenges you face and reconnect to life again.

Use the workbook

To integrate these skills into your daily life. Start living to your full potential again!

Break Free

And reclaim your life and your joy, no matter your circumstances.

How the Break Free Course works:

Course Structure:

  • Six Week Online Course (including your own personal Course Dashboard to access all content)
  • Easy to follow videos
  • Class notes included for downloading and printing
  • Powerful Affirmations and Guided mediations included to help enforce lesson focus
  • Follow the videos, do the exercises, use the affirmations and meditations and achieve personal transformation
  • Complete course at you’re your own pace, with no pressure. Unlimited access to all content

I’m Ready To Start Today


The 6-Week Course Roadmap


Lesson One:

Reclaiming Your Power: Taking the first steps toward healing and transformation in your life.

Are you feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unsure of what to do when facing conflict or separation in your family? It’s normal to feel this way, but it doesn’t have to be your reality.

In this lesson, we provide you with the answers you’ve been searching for. You will finally know what you need to do to cope and deal with the struggles you’re facing within your family. No longer will you feel lost or unsure of how to move forward.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a clear understanding of the first steps to take towards healing and restoring your wellbeing. You’ll learn how to manage your emotions and navigate through the challenges you face, enabling you to finally start living again.

Don’t let the conflict or separation in your family hold you back any longer. Take control of your life and start your journey towards a better tomorrow.

In just one lesson, you will gain clarity, focus, and the confidence to take control of your situation. We provide you with the answers you need and a framework to follow, helping you make sense of it all and take action towards moving forward.

Break free from the chains of feeling overwhelmed and lost. Let us help you gain control, confidence, and strength to cope with conflict or separation in your family. You deserve to live a fulfilling life, and it all starts with taking the first step.

In Lesson One, you will:

Break free from the chains of feeling overwhelmed, lost and alone. Finally have the answers you’ve been looking for and needing.

Discover the first steps you need to take to cope with family conflict or separation and start your journey towards healing and empowerment.

Gain answers to your questions and receive a framework to follow, providing you with a clear roadmap towards a brighter future.

Unlock your full potential and gain clarity, focus, and confidence to take control of your situation and overcome any challenges you may face.

Learn how to manage your emotions and navigate through the difficulties of conflict and separation, enabling you to restore your wellbeing and health following emotional trauma. Receive the tools you need to move forward and start living again, allowing you to reconnect to life again, and embrace life to its fullest potential.

Lesson Two:

Unshackled: Breaking Free from blame, anger, grief, and low self-worth.

Are you tired of carrying the weight of blame, guilt, anger, shame, and grief? It’s time to let go and break free from the shackles of negative emotions that have been holding you back.

In this powerful lesson, you will discover the truth that your self-worth is not defined by your family situation. You will learn that you are not to blame for what has happened or how things exist, and that you are not a “bad person.” It’s time to break free from negative self-talk and any negative labels that were placed on you.

You deserve to break free from the chains of lack of self-love and low self-worth. It’s time to break free from the burden of never-ending grief and bring love and life into your heart again. You are capable of creating a positive, uplifting future for yourself, and this lesson will help you take the first step towards that transformation.

Let go of the heavy emotions and embrace your true worth. You have the power to create a life that is filled with joy, peace, and fulfillment. Join us in this transformative journey and take the first step towards a brighter future today.

In Lesson Two, you will:

Learn how to let go of heavy emotions: blame, guilt, anger, shame, and grief. Discover the truth that your self-worth is not defined by your family situation.

Receive the knowledge that you are not to blame for what has happened or how things exist. Learn how to break free from lack of self-love and low self-worth.

Understand that you are not a "bad person." Break free from negative self-talk and negative labels with the tools you'll gain.

Learn how to heal from the burden of never-ending grief with loving support and guidance. You will discover how to bring love, light, and joy back into your heart, and how to move forward with renewed hope and optimism.

Receive guidance on how to bring love and life into your heart again. Gain the tools to create a positive, uplifting future for yourself.

Lesson Three:

Rising Above The Struggle: Mastering the art of self-protection through boundaries.

Are you tired of feeling powerless in your family struggles and separation? Do you find yourself constantly triggered by your family members or reliving painful traumas? It’s time to take charge and create the boundaries you need to protect yourself.

In this powerful lesson, you’ll learn what boundaries are and why they’re essential for self-protection. You’ll discover how to create boundaries that will shield you from triggers and unforeseen upsets in your family, possible reoccurring conflicts, known areas of trauma that cause you pain, and ongoing bad treatment from family.

But this lesson is not just about protecting yourself from harm. It’s about building resilience and unbreakable coping strategies that will help you thrive in the face of ongoing pain and hurt. You’ll learn how to build your protective armor, so you can shield yourself from ongoing pain and unforeseen challenges.

It’s time to take control of your life and unleash the power of boundaries for self-protection. With the tools and strategies you’ll learn in this lesson, you’ll be able to build a better future for yourself and your loved ones. Let’s get started!

Break free from the chains of feeling overwhelmed and lost. Let us help you gain control, confidence, and strength to cope with conflict or separation in your family. You deserve to live a fulfilling life, and it all starts with taking the first step.

In Lesson Three, you will:

Discover how to create boundaries to protect yourself from triggers and unforeseen upsets in your family, possible reoccurring conflicts, known areas of trauma, or any ongoing mistreatment.

Gain a deeper understanding of how boundaries can help you establish and maintain healthy relationships, cultivate self-respect and self-care, and prevent burnout and emotional exhaustion in the face of family struggles.

Receive tools and strategies to build resilience and unbreakable coping skills.

Learn how to build your protective armor to shield yourself from ongoing pain and unforeseen challenges.

Take control of your life and build a better future for yourself and your loved ones with the lessons learned in this powerful lesson.

Lesson Four:

The Freedom To Thrive: Breaking free from resistance and letting go of “it’s not fair!”

Are you tired of fighting against the realities of your family dynamics? Do you often feel like life is unfair and unjust? It’s time to take back control and learn the secrets to break free from resistance and embrace the present moment.

In this powerful lesson, you’ll discover easy-to-apply techniques to accept what is and stop resisting how things exist in your family. You’ll learn how to let go of the feeling that it’s “not fair” and accelerate your healing by focusing on what you can control in your family relationships.

In addition to learning practical techniques to break free from resistance, you’ll also experience a sense of freedom and liberation like never before. When you stop fighting against reality and accept what is, you’ll experience a weight lifted off your shoulders. You’ll no longer be burdened by the constant struggle and frustration of trying to change things that are beyond your control.

You’ll be able to focus your energy on what you can control and make positive changes in your family relationships. With this newfound sense of freedom, you’ll be able to live with daily peace and harmony, regardless of how things exist in your family.

You’ll also experience a greater sense of inner peace and well-being. As you let go of the “not fair” mentality and focus on the present moment, you’ll feel a sense of calm and contentment. This will not only benefit your family relationships but also your overall mental and emotional health.

So, if you’re ready to experience true freedom and break free from resistance, join us on this transformative journey. Learn how to embrace reality and live with daily peace and happiness. The possibilities are endless when you let go of resistance and embrace what is.

In Lesson Four, you will:

Break free from resistance and embrace the present moment with easy-to-apply techniques. Learn to accept what is and stop fighting against the realities of your family dynamics.

Accelerate your healing by focusing on what you can control in your family relationships.

Let go of the "not fair" mentality and experience a sense of freedom and liberation. Achieve daily peace and harmony by living in the moment without letting your family situation control your life.

Experience a greater sense of inner peace and well-being. Learn tricks for immediate results and a calm, content mindset.

Unlock the power within you to live with joy and harmony, regardless of external family circumstances.

Lesson Five:

Joyful Living: Unlock your Inner Potential and thrive.

Do you find yourself trapped in the cycle of emotional trauma, sadness, and family struggles? Don’t lose another precious day to these challenges. It’s time to break free and start living again now!

In this lesson, we will guide you on a journey of rediscovering your inner spark and help you keep living your life to the fullest, no matter what situation exists in your family. You will learn easy-to-implement steps for creating change and getting your life back on track.

We’ll show you how to identify what truly makes you happy and provide you with a framework to make it happen. You’ll discover the secrets for how to be happy even when sadness lingers in your family.

So, let’s embark on this journey together and rediscover the joy that has always been within you. Don’t let anything dim your light, let’s reignite it and shine brighter than ever before!

In Lesson Five, you will:

Reignite your inner spark to start living life to the fullest once again!

Learn easy-to-implement steps that will empower you to create meaningful change in your life and get back on track towards your goals and dreams.

Identify what truly makes you happy and how to make it happen. Unlock the secrets to finding joy and fulfillment even amidst the challenges and struggles that may exist within your family.

Learn the proven framework for creating successful change in your life, so you can achieve your desired outcomes with confidence and clarity.

Reconnect to joy and embrace the beauty of life again.

Lesson Six:

Finding Your Way Forward: Revealing the answers and strategies you need to mover foward in life, despite family issues.

Are you feeling fearful and unsure of how to move forward in life? Are you hesitant to believe you can cope with the challenges within your family? It’s time to renew your strength, find inspiration, and discover the proven steps to success.

In this powerful lesson, you’ll learn the secrets of those who have overcome similar struggles and achieve lasting success. You’ll receive a step-by-step guide to help you walk forward in life and navigate any ongoing obstacles that come your way.

Are you tired of asking yourself, “Where do I go from here?” or “How do I stay strong in the face of adversity?” We know that you may have lingering questions and doubts, such as “How do I keep going when things are tough?” or “How do I protect myself from triggers?” Get the answers you’ve been searching for and gain the framework for success.

Don’t let fear or despair hold you back any longer. Don’t let triggers hold you back. Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to live your best life. This lesson will help you find hope for the future and create a personalized plan to achieve your goals. Let’s discover the strength within you and take the first step towards a brighter future.

In Lesson Six, you will:

Finally get the answers you've been seeking about how to move forward in life, even in the face of family struggles that have been holding you back.

Learn proven steps to overcome struggles and ongoing obstacles in life. Gain practical tools to protect yourself from triggers and stay focused on your goals.

Find hope for the future and create a personalized plan to achieve success.

Embrace empathy, compassion, and positivity to transform your life.

Take the first step towards a brighter future filled with renewed strength, inspiration, and purpose.

Start your healing journey!

The Break Free Course

With Yasmin Kerkez

Don’t wait any longer — Sign up today — Rediscover yourself and start taking control of your life!

“I have been helped so much by your thoughtful and passionate commitment to helping others to overcome the pain of estrangement. I want to feel joy and sparkle again, and you are the embodiment of attaining that despite family estrangement.”

- B.M.

“Yasmin, you are a beautiful, wise, kindhearted person. Words can only begin to convey my gratitude for your presence, helpfulness in my life. Sending hugs and love”

- B.K.

“Thank you for this great course from you! You are helping us a lot on how to deal with our estrangement situation. May you never get tired developing some resources, which are definitely beneficial to all of us.
Thank you for all that you and will be doing in the future.”

- B.D.

“I just wanted to say a big “thank you” for organizing this fabulous course. It is just what the doctor ordered! I have found it to be so uplifting and informative. Thank you once again and well done!”

- A.M.

“Thank you Yasmin, I truly feel blessed to have you in my life, that our paths have crossed and I have a safe place to learn and live the estrangement in my life. You are a leader with love and compassion with a cause that needs to be shouted out and inclusive all of us who have been isolated for years without support or common humanity.”

- G.G.

“Your calm and inviting voice made me feel welcomed and as if you were talking directly to me. I have felt so alone since we received a request for no contact four years ago from our 30-year-old daughter. To navigate this road of estrangement, I previously have found some good advice from the resources of Dr Coleman and Tina Gilbertson. And now I have the resources and information that you supplied through your course. For that, I am forever grateful!”

- J.S.

“Dear Yasmin, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate being able to take part in your course. The lessons are very helpful. What a wonderful thing you have done putting this together.”

- M.B.

“I am very grateful for your commitment to help myself and so many others to get to the other side of heartbreak. Your kindness and sincerity are so reassuring in these days of self-help gurus and online marketing.”

- M.H.

“You have given me a wealth of compassionate knowledge. You have increased my emotional wellbeing and literally improved my life. The only way I can thank you appropriately is to tell you that I will pray for you and for your continued well being for as long as I am able. God bless you. You are the salt of the earth and the salve on wounded heart.”

- N.B.

How to get the most out of the Break Free Course

Break Free is a self-paced course. You can do it in your own time, when you’re ready.

That said, we recommend making it a 6-week journey. Focus on one Lesson per week, giving yourself time to implement new skills in your life, and use the workbook to help you along the way.

You can focus on areas you feel are particularly important for you, as you take the time to develop your strength & wellbeing. With Unlimited Access, you can revisit lessons as often as you need to.

Our Guarantee

If you discover the course isn’t for you, we’ll give you a 14-day 100% refund. No questions asked (except how we can be of more help).

Ready to take the next step?

This is a self-paced course. That means you get instant access to all course material! Start your healing journey today. 

Great Value

1 Payment of


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*If you discover the course isn’t for you, we’ll give you a 14-day 100% refund. No questions asked.


Are the video modules live or pre-recorded?

Break Free is a 6-week, self-paced course so you can watch the lessons on your own schedule, as often as you like.

I’m not sure if I’m dealing with family estrangement or not. Is this for me?

“Family estrangement” might sound like a scary or extreme term, but it covers a range of relationships. The term only means that one is distanced from a family member, either physically or emotionally. A large number of people are estranged from their families, sadly. You can read more about the causes and effects of estrangement here

I’m pretty busy. Will I have time for this course?

The course is designed to be practical and welcoming. We designed each Lesson and its accompanying video sections to be completed in a week, but you can take more time if you need. This course is for you and your relationships.

What if I don’t like the Break Free Course?

If you decide that the course isn’t for you, we’ll give you a 14-day 100% refund. 

I could really use some support. Does the course include an online community?

The Break Free Course is self-paced and is designed for individual healing and growth. However, our Healing Harbor Membership Program is a perfect companion to the course for people who want connection, encouragement, and accountability on their journey. Some people choose the course or the membership, and most choose to do both! You can learn more about Healing Harbor here.

This is your life. It’s time to start living it.

Purchase the Course